Once a Coffee-Junkie, Always a Coffee-Junkie
I may no longer need 3 pots of coffee a day to keep me going, but I still love the stuff... and it still gets my brain running in circles.
Consider this the dumping ground for all the random thoughts, opinions, and rants that would otherwise clutter my cranium.
You're welcome!

Friday, January 1, 2016

New Year, New(ish) Blog

It's time. Time to knock the dust off this old blog and get back into writing. This particular corner of the Internet has been a ghost town for so long now... too long, really.

The last few years have been dominated by short "thought bursts" on various social media platforms, and I just haven't been able to bring myself to string together more than a couple of sentences at a time. Granted, it's fun to let all the trivial drivel just spill out of my brain as it will, but I'm beginning to miss the satisfaction of a well-crafted (insofar as I am able) post.

So, here we are. The calendar has turned, the turmoil of the holidays is over, and I have no excuse to avoid writing. Not that I'm one for resolutions, but I'm seriously going to try to write every day.

Yeah. Every. Day.

Will every post be a gem? If course not. Will I miss a day here and there? Most likely. But I'm determined to try.

The flip-side to all this is you. In the past, this blog has been used for rants, satire, photography, and a showcase for my boring childhood stories. I'm quite sure those will all still play a part, but a little input from you guys will go a long way toward making this blog something you actually want to read.

And let me know what works or doesn't work with the layout of the blog, too (font, colors, background... you get the idea). It's a work in progress and I'm open to suggestions, so let 'em fly.

Happy New Year, everyone!

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