Once a Coffee-Junkie, Always a Coffee-Junkie
I may no longer need 3 pots of coffee a day to keep me going, but I still love the stuff... and it still gets my brain running in circles.
Consider this the dumping ground for all the random thoughts, opinions, and rants that would otherwise clutter my cranium.
You're welcome!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Our Maiden Voyage

I'm No Tour Guide

I finally got out to the mountains last Sunday with that special someone for our very first road trip ever. It was just for the day, but we had a great time.

Surprisingly, she had never seen Bow Falls... I didn't think that was even POSSIBLE for a native Calgarian!

I fully intended to take a ton of pictures, like I usually do, but somehow only came home with 7 or so decent shots. I guess I was too busy enjoying the real world to put a camera between me and it.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008