As with most of my dreams, this one seemed to start off in the middle of the story instead of the beginning. I found myself in my house, but not my house... You know, it's not the house I live in, nor one I have ever lived in, but in the dream it was my house. For some reason, there were lots of people there, too... Mostly family, but a few strangers as well. It felt as though all these people were visiting us ("us" being my immediate family, you understand). It was about mid-morning and I knew that I would have to rush if I wanted to beat everyone to the shower. So, grabbing a towel that I knew was too small, I made a dash for the bathroom.
Now, here is where it gets weird... As I undressed for the shower, I noticed my face laying on the counter. My face! There it was, eyes open, just staring at the bathroom ceiling! I wasn't the least bit alarmed, however... I simply looked at it, noticed a pimple on one cheek, and wondered if I should get rid of it now, or once I put my face back on. It was like seeing my watch on the counter and wondering if I should set it now, or after I put it on. But did I mention it was my face?!?
Without a second thought for my face, I turned to the shower. I pulled back the sliding glass door and reached in to turn on the water. That was when I noticed a problem... The walls of the shower were covered with what looked like thousands of hairs. Now, finding a hair or two stuck to the shower wall isn't that uncommon... But thousands? And these hairs were moving! I decided they must be bugs and proceeded to rinse them off the walls and down the drain.
Once the walls were hair/bug-free, I figured it would be a good idea to scrub the walls, just to make sure there wouldn't be a re-infestation. So, I got to work with a sponge and some of that gritty cleanser. It was about this time that I noticed another person in the bathroom, scrubbing along right beside me. I can't say for sure who it was, but it may have been Roseanne (Roseanne Barr, Roseanne Arnold, Just Roseanne...). Anyway, she just kept scrubbing away without saying a word to me, so I did likewise.
As I began wiping down the back wall of the shower, I noticed that there was a small gap between it and the wall of the bathroom. The longer I looked at this gap, the larger it became. Soon, I could see that the shower was actually built inside an old abandoned jacuzzi. There were even a few children's swim toys laying around and a small ladder for getting in and out of the hot tub. It was at this time that my girlfriend came walking out from behind the shower to stand beside me. I pointed out that our shower was actually built inside a jacuzzi, just in case she didn't notice as she walked through it. She just shrugged as if to say, "Yeah, I know." I told her that I thought we should just tear out the shower and renovate the hot tub, to which she laughed. Apparently, it had been decided long ago that this plan was a waste of time and money. I was disappointed until I remembered another jacuzzi elsewhere in the house that wasn't being used.
In this dream, the fancy bathroom was run down and out of service, but I couldn't see a reason to leave it like that. We could have our Shower-in-a-Jacuzzi and a jacuzzi too! What a wonderful idea!
And that's when I woke up.
Now, I have a few theories about the meanings behind some parts of this dream, but I'd like to hear what you think. So... Analyze This!
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