Once a Coffee-Junkie, Always a Coffee-Junkie
I may no longer need 3 pots of coffee a day to keep me going, but I still love the stuff... and it still gets my brain running in circles.
Consider this the dumping ground for all the random thoughts, opinions, and rants that would otherwise clutter my cranium.
You're welcome!

Friday, July 9, 2004

I'm Outta Here!

Well folks, I must apologize for the definite lack of posting lately. To tell you the truth, it's been a bit of a mad rush to get things done before the Summer Shutdown. What's that? You don't know about the Summer Shutdown? Well, you see, the warehouse where I work (MSA One, to you faithful readers) closes its doors for a week every Summer, to allow us loyal employees a chance to take some much needed R & R.

So, I'm actually going to leave town this time... In a matter of hours, I will be on the road to Vancouver Island. I haven't been there in 19 years, so I'm pretty excited! Anyway, I'm sure there will be lots of pictures for you when I get back, and I may even try to whip off a quick post if I can find a place to do so (no promises, you understand).

Alrighty then... You kids have a great week, and we'll see you later!

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